a community
challenge to read
one book of poetry a day
for the month of August

join the challenge
Plan your reading list. For suggestions, start here.
Dive into reading one book a day.
Take a "shelfie"! Share your experience with us on social media.
Download the 2025 Challenge bingo card + play for book giveaways (forthcoming July 2025!).
Download the Challenge certificate! Request a golden seal (a sealie!) in recognition of your accomplishment (submission form forthcoming July 2025).
“As August approaches, I recognize the excitement vibrating in my body and grasp just how much I need The Sealey Challenge in my life.”
— Connie Pan, Bookriot
“During the challenge, we read new and old books, we read books we’ve been putting off and reread books we love.”
— Nicole Sealey
“Poetry is the only literary form that can accommodate such a rapid rate of reading; being able to jump seamlessly between voices like this can expand the way we think about the world.”
— Laura Buccieri, Lithub

about the challenge
From chapbooks to full-length collections, participants in The Sealey Challenge spend time diving into poetry collections every August.
The goals are simple: read a book each day, engage with diverse voices, and be an active member of an online community of poetry lovers. Of course, the point of the Sealey Challenge isn't perfection—the point is to spend time with poetry!
Not sure where to start? Check out our “start here” reading list!
Stay in touch with #SealeyChallenge on Facebook, Twitter (X) and Instagram for inspiration and recommendations!